Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cheekie Says No...

Alert the Press, Cheekie is Saying No.

One whole month.
30 days.
As of right this second, 10:33pm EST, August 19th, 2008.
Until September 19th, 2008...perhaps at 10:33pm or not.

No sex.
That's right, you heard me.
No s-e-x.

Ok ok, some of you might be laughing, smirking or thinking 'a month? that's it? I do that all the time, hell I can do 3 months standing on my head'.
This might be the case for you, but not for me. One month is a long time in this girl's world.

Let me clarify. No sex means no sex. No groping, petting, oral, anything. Nada.
Heck, maybe even no kissing, cause for me well that's like putting a Baskin Robbins next to a Jenny Craig. Impossible to resist, especially if you get that free spoonful tester. Hell, I'm even going to put the batteries back in the remote controls I stole them from. (those things run out at the worst possible times).
I just might have to avert my eyes when Jason Statham's latest movie trailer comes on though...he's doing chin can see his shirtless rippling back...sigh. Tough, gonna be tough.

What has brought this on? Well, some recent developments in my life mainly.
I have come to the realization that even though I am fully aware that I am not liked for sex alone, and I am definitely not a booty call kinda girl, I still allow it to cloud my judgement.
I have allowed a certain amount of chemistry, albeit genuine, to fog my lenses.
It has become almost my M.O. My friends all know it, joke about it. My family knows it. My father even said 'Ya, we tend to run a little 'higher' than most people''s genetic. There's nothing wrong with that, mind you, most of my boyfriends and I have been very happy with this particular dna anomaly.
I just plain really really enjoy it. Every single little bit of it.
But it can't be my raison d'ĂȘtre.

This isn't about denying anyone, including myself, it is about clearing my head.
It's about knowing that it isn't what I am all about.
(although, it's one of the most fun parts...)
It's about knowing in my heart that I am wanted for more, because, no matter how much you are told to the contrary, no matter how much you actually try to believe it, sometimes you just don't believe it.
I don't want to feel like that.
So my remedy is to remove the issue, even temporarily.
See what happens.

If, by chance, the opportunity presents itself, and,
if, by chance, the certain someone I might have a hard time resisting presents himself,
well, I have made a promise to me.
If it doesn't fly, or if I am given a hard time, then
I will know for sure. No bullshit, no two ways about it.
And I am not going to run around proclaiming myself temporarily celibate.
In fact, I probably won't tell anyone. Including said irresistible person.

See, I don't think that my issue might actually be the sex part.
I think it is the fact that I derive so much comfort, so much happiness and contentment waking up in a particular place, that is what gets me thinking there is more than what there is. For me, it's the mere fact that I sleep better, feel so good, just being there. Even though I know that said person doesn't think of me as just that, I'm sure of it, it's that I don't think I'm not just that. I have to get over it.
It might take more than a month, but if I can gain a little bit of more self assuredness this month, it will be worth it. This has nothing to do with him/them, it's about ME.

So. No sex equals no delusions caused by cuddle.
My head has been muddled lately. Confused and a little disappointed. Unsure and insecure. Then oddly sure, calm, knowing. It's too much. Just when I think I have it sussed, bam, well 'something' happens to disrupt that. And that something is that 'connection', the one that 'disconnects' just as quickly.
I need to make some space.
I am thinking too much. It is what it is, and I am convoluting it all and I don't want any, ANY distractions from the mental clear-cutting that needs to take place.
Spend lots of time reading, hanging out with kiddo before he goes back to school and the summer is gone, hunkering down and working hard at my new job, getting MY life together, having fun with friends, you know....LIFE! Living! No pressure, no bullshit, no confusion, no hidden agenda - even on my part (I have to recognize I do that too).
Clear it out.

And, I am going to attempt to keep a diary of sorts. And my 'don't break the chain' calendar.
See if I come to any revelations. See if anything happens, good and bad, during this time.
Then a month from now, I will see how it has all played out.
It might not make a lick of difference, but I think it's a good start.
And who knows, I might just decide to make it two months...
**ahem, you can stop laughing now, thank you ;-)**



ME said...

Wow, I think I could have written this post. I know exactly where you are coming from. And for me, it isn't the sex per se.. its the closeness, the cuddling, the warmth. However, I've learned (finally) that you have to have the warmth and closeness first and then let the sex enter the picture. Isn't it great, this growing up stuff?

Anonymous said...

Yay Cheekie's back! Sorry, had to get that out!

I'm with Craze. I could have written the very same post. The closeness, the cuddling...gets me every damn time.

I went three months recently...the longest stretch was 6 though neither was self-imposed. It was a bitch!

I'm proud of you girl. I think this is a very good call!

cheekie said...

Aww thanks Ladies!

As for this self imposed thing, it isn't as it seems.
I am not doing so because I feel what I have done in the past is wrong. I am doing so for me.
Because, I need to know FOR ME and not to deny or make anyone else suffer.

As for the closeness and cuddling, yes, it is the clincher, but only if it is someone that I want the whole shooting match with to begin with. The sex too.

This is kind of hard to explain, and the deep seeded reasons are very personal, but suffice to say, I hope to hell I can do it!
(or not do it in this

Constance said...

I think it is an excellent idea Cheekie.
But how can you not sleep with him for a month and give him zero explanation ?

I've gone 3 YEARS. Haven't had someone I loved who loved me back so we did the horizontal. God Above and Little Fishes how I miss it.

You are lucky it's only for 30 days !

A good connection should be in and out of bed, no interruption in the loved feeling...

Good luck - I know you will succeed - you are determined, and that's when you find answers :)

p.s. the site feed thingy is one of bloggers new widgets - makes it easy to add... Keep all of it on 'full feed'. You're still not showing as updated yet. I would have missed this post if I hadn't come via the old one.

auntiegwen said...

So pleased you're back on line.

Ok, thanks for the declaration of celibacy.

I hope your month passes quickly !!!

SaneAndSingle said...

I'm almost at the 3 month mark of my self-imposed celibacy! I'm doing it for basically the same reasons. But I am waiting for someone special to come along. So unfortunately, there is no fore-seeable end to my celibacy! :(