Monday, August 4, 2008


hello all...
well I seem to be having a bad computer/internet mojo kinda week.
my feed isn't working (thanks for the tip annie!) and my connection at home seems to be
pms'ing. soon as these bugs get worked out I will be back.

lots to talk about.
having a bit of a yucky patch too. been sick. been a bit spun with the new job, life in general...and of course, men. or man as the case may be....

so. thank you all for all of your great comments lately, I love you back soon!



Anonymous said...

Love you girl...hope you're feeling better and that your internet is back to normal soon. Oh and kick that yucky patch in the ass! :D

auntiegwen said...

tech feckin ology !

See you soon sweetie

Constance said...

Blogger was wonky for everyone over the weekend, Cheekie.

If when you sign in to blogger you go into your dashboard,
and then to the settings tab,
and then to the site feed tab,
and then click on advanced,
and then click on full for each of the three areas - blog posts, blog comments and post comments -
and then click 'save' -
it will fix it so that your blog shows as updated whenever you have a new post, shows the title of the post and even a snippet of the post.

(I think a lot of people are going to start using Blogger's new link list feature; and if your feed is only on short, or isn't on at all, it acts like you haven't updated in 8 months or even at all...)

Sorry that you've been feeling under the weather and the new job has bit a bit unsettling.

Men ? did I hear plural ? fingers crossed for you :)

Loving Annie