Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spidey Chick, does whatever a Spidey Chick can...

Gut Instinct. You know, Spidey Senses. 

Do you listen to yours? 
Have you ever been in a situation that, even though everything seemed fine, it just wasn't 'right'?
Did you pay attention to it, or did you ignore it or mistake it for something else.

See, when it comes to relationships and your spidey senses, I highly believe that you have to listen. Stop what you are doing, step back and listen. Think about the situation.
Is there some little tidbit of info that he/she said or subconsciously communicated that is making this happen?
Does he/she avoid any questions, deftly ducking?

Now, after sitting back, be honest with yourself. Are you normally the paranoid type? Insecure, overly trusting even? 
If you are paranoid about men/women or relationships in general, be careful that what you think is a 'gut instinct' isn't just your fear. Suss that out right quick.
If you aren't, and you are insecure (fawk who isn't) make sure that you are asking the right questions and that you don't rest until YOU are secure about it.
Too trusting in general? Well, maybe it's time you closed up a bit, especially with someone you are just getting to know. Take things with a grain of salt and remember that EVERYONE turns that sow's ear into a silk purse for the first while of a relationship.
And no, that isn't paranoid (just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me),
it is the truth. I do it, you do it. Do we want our latest loves knowing everything???? right away???? like how you like to sit in your nastiest old jammies, eating ice cream out of the tub watching Gossip Girl? No, you tell him you are watching something on Public Broadcasting or Bravo...something historical maybe even....Does he need to know that you didn't shave that day?
NOOOO.........(although, I find this trick handy if I am at all concerned about 'taking things to far' kinda stops my libido dead when I think of my prickles

And guys, don't you sometimes go a bit overboard to impress your dates for the first bit? Breaking the bank, being extra sweet, not talking about work BS? 

That's what it's all about....that's how we gloss ourselves up, fan our feathers out...
So, that being said, how do you know when you are getting fertilizer instead of flowers?

Listen to it. If you can sit back and honestly say 'Something isn't right, and no matter what questions/answers I ask or get it isn't going to be'. Well time to get out.
While the getting is good.
We women have a habit (and some guys too) of giving too much benefit of the doubt where men are concerned.
If you ask a question, to ease your own  mind, and it is an honest, straightforward inquiry, then by all means you should expect a reasonable answer. If this answer does not satisfy you, please do not have qualms about 'being a bitch'. 
Every penny don't fit the slot baby, and no matter how good he is on paper, or how nice he treats you, it isn't right if you don't feel it is.
Case closed.

So, practice listening to your gut. Start small. Like dinner or what to wear.
Practice practice practice.
You have to trust yourself before you can trust anyone else.

and try not to eat any males after mating would ya?.....


1 comment:

Hot Alpha Female said...

Hey cheekie,
Can i first say that i love your name! its so sassy! lol

I added you to my blog roll and thanks for all comments on my blog so far =)

In regards to this post and trusting your gut.

This is something that is so important when it comes to dating and in life in general.

You gut is actually your subconscious that picks up things that your conscious doesn't.

Sorry if i made that sound a little geeky, but its true. Thats why like you said its really good to listen to you gut if it is telling you that something is not right with someone, even though you don't have any other valid reasons.

I've learnt that the hard way and every time there has been something not quite right with a guy and i cont to date him, the truth usually comes out and its like ... ahhh crap!! why didnt i listen to my intuition?! lol


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