Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Armour Chinkage

Is it any wonder, in this day and age of constant non-physical-presence (for lack of a better shorter word) communication, we don’t know anyone, really.
email, text, im,skype,facebook, myspace, meebo,pebo,wayn,ringo,linked in, linked out, linky dinky, doo,….(that sound you hear is a train-thought-derailment…)

Anywho, you get my drift. Any thing that doesn’t require you looking someone directly in the eye in order to communicate what you feel, want, need.
It can be terribly misleading.
And quite the fantasy can be built up over someone or something quite easily as you
can be whoever you want and say whatever you want. Perfectly.
In the dating realm, or even casual not-so-much-dating-just-want-to-shag world,
this technique of meeting someone, perfectly, with your perfectly staged photo of you
perfectly tanned in the alps, and every bon mot carefully honed by the best quote searches on google. and your draft and re draft of your perfect life, your perfect job, your perfect philosophy and your ever so perkily perfect breasts.
You then take to that next level, the perfect witty email, then comes the cutsiely perfect im messages, complete with naughty emoticons.
The naughty emoticons suddenly become naughty words, in a perfectly perfect movie scripted reply.

You haven’t even met the guy yet.

Nothing. And already you are every perfect Letter to Penthouse,
yet also as Saintly as Teresa herself..

You have no idea what he is doing while he reads your perfectness.
He could be reading, watching tv, surfing porn on his other monitor, talking to his mother on the phone, or wanking off to what you are writing (bonus points, good job lady).

Would you be able to do any ANY of those things midst conversation IN PERSON?
No chance in hell, dude.

So you meet. But it isn’t perfectly perfect/chink/There’s some kind of weird ‘thing’ to his voice-face combination/chinkchink/Very odd the way he refers to his friends and tells you such personal stories about them/chinkchinkchink/Not so cute the way he chews his food, I certainly don’t want HIM eating anything of me/CHINK/

Catching my drift yet here peeps?
chink-chink-chink…damn armour always breaking down…
Reality sucks.
We have allowed all of our personal, most private moments to happen when you aren’t even in the same room/city/town/country.
A love letter amongst pre-hooked-up couples is one thing,they have met.
But amongst virtual strangers? That only exist in our computers?

Fantasy is fantastic. One of my personal faves actually. I live for it.
And that is the problem. We all do it.

And frankly, that is why there are so many fantastic, amazing single people out there who have yet to meet ‘the one’.
There is no fucking one. He only exists in your mind. Oh I believe there is THE One…no quotations marks necessary. But I will only find him if I stop trading fantasy for reality.
Get to the point of having so many ‘encounters’ with this fantasy, that reality becomes
that much clearer. You know it. But only then will you or I be ready to really know and really enjoy it…only then we can be part of it and want and need someone real.

Snap out of it, girls and guys.
and for the love of god….just don’t put on that perfectly polished armour in the first place

1 comment:

NML/Natalie said...

Hello! I just wanted to say hi and also tell you that I know that you were on the blogroll and when I had to change the template recently, I must have buggered up the links. Anyway, you are back on my blogroll. Aside from that, texting, email, online dating, social networking - they are all the work of the dating devil and they hinder communication and actual dating, not help it. They are shields and they make people reeeeeeeeealllll lazy!