Thursday, January 17, 2008

Whose Fault?......

Hello all, here is a posting from a while ago...I thought it was a good one to repeat while I work on that bloody story that has me stumped that you are all waiting EVER so patiently for (and I won't mention again till I actually get it up here!)


my only fault (ha)
yes it is true.
i have a fault. horror.
i know right now you are saying to yourself, "not possible!"
but alas, i do have one glaring fault.
i actually prefer to think of it as more of a "quirk".
we all have them right?

some of us have bad hair, bad skin, a few extra pounds, a bad temper, bad with money, addictions of many get the idea.
so in comparison, my one glaring fault really isn't that bad.
it adds to my charm.
perfection is so boring. seriously. have you ever met a perfect (or very close to it) person? either they are extremely attractive, smart or rich, or fuckers, are all 3.
they always say the right thing, do the right thing, eat properly, exercise, call their ma every week without fail, have perfect dinner parties with all their perfect friends, they laugh at benign jokes, they never get in trouble at work, punctual, considerate, they might even volunteer at a soup kitchen...

ugh, if i ever met that person in real life, well, add fist magnet to their list of qualities.
that person does not exist.
but we want to be them. we want to be something that isn't even real!

we women want to be successful, independant, smart, caring, funny, gorgeous, slim, wanted desperately, perfect mothers with perfect children...
god what are we doing???
that person doesn't exist!!!
how much more pressure to be perfect are we as a society going to put on ourselves?
what happened to the good old days.

you remember them. everyone had a drunken uncle that would do something ridiculous at every family gathering, the single for life crazy aunt that would bring around her latest fling and smoke 2 packs of camels a day, the nutter gramma who would bake you cookies and forget the sugar, the extremely overweight neighbour who used to invite you over for bbq's and roast an entire pig...
where are they now???
i will tell you.
the uncle is on the wagon after years of rehab and family isolation, the crazy aunt got married, quit smoking and dying her hair that crazy red colour due to pressure to "grow up", the nutter gramma was put into a home because she became a nuisance and the extremely overweight neighbour went on the atkins diet, lost 100lbs and started eating only salad.

these are and were people that we loved desperately, in spite of and because of their quirks.
and they became non-human
they became as close to perfect as they could because we want everyone to be.
no time for quirks or non conformity anymore.

so, with all that said, what is so bad about my fault (s)

i think it makes me human, and even (dare i say) a whole hell of a lot more fun....

(you didn't think i would actually tell you what my fault is? if you know me personally, you know EXACTLY what it is...and yes, i have always had a weakness in that area)


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