Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Silly flirty bitch!

Yup. That's me.

And trust me, damn it has gotten me into so much trouble!

Can you help who you naturally are? Nope.
Can you help it if guys think they are going to get more that you are willing to give? Nope.
Am I a tease? No way.

I am a flirt, ridiculously so sometimes, but does that mean that I want to have it go any further than a little risque banter? Most of the time no.
If it does, trust me baby, you know it.

Funniest part is that I rarely, if ever, flirt with the guys that I am really truly interested in.
Maybe I want them to see me as more.... maybe I get so tongue tied around them that I can't be that girl? Who knows...

Quite often I have a drink or 6, and I get a wee bit silly and flirt. No harm intended.
I am single, so big whoop. 

I think I mainly enjoy the banter part. With guys that I am truly attracted to, it is all about the 'proving yourself' thing. How smart, pretty, intelligent etc etc. The last thing you want is for them to think you are some cheap bar slut who flirts with any guy within ear or boob shot.
I am not an unintelligent girl, I know that half of the guys who flirt with me are looking for a good time and nothing else. They see a relatively attractive, not to mention drunk, chick and think "oohhhh score". If she happens to flirt back, well they think they are 'in'.

The other 50% might very well have good intentions, but, if they did...they wouldn't be hanging out in a pub getting drunk flirting with a silly flirt like me.
And yes, quite a few of them are attached. Most of the time, they flirt, and after, well then tell that they are attached...yup girls, it's true, sorry!

They LOVE the attention, cause basically men love to feel 20 again.
So do we, but I think they do more than us. Fragile egos n all... :)

So great, I am an ego boost. Woohoo.
Seems to be my lot in life I guess. Kinda ironic actually.
Karma maybe? 

Recently, I was a little overdone...too many pints, not enough dinner.
I started getting a little silly, as I am wont to do on occasion, and I started being very flirty with pretty much any guy that spoke to me.
They didn't mind.
However, one or two took it way too far. 
One such guy offered to 'massage my glutes' and take me back to his place because all he wanted to do was 'give me multiple orgasms'...

As attractive as multiple orgasms are (doh, who doesn't love that?), there was no way in hell.
Besides the fact that someone I really care about was witnessing this whole thing, and me, being the nice girl I am, could not shoot this guy down in a flaming ball of bitchiness.
I gave him the 'I appreciate that, but no thanks' line and then followed up with the cold shoulder. It worked. But I still felt bad, I felt like a tease, which to me is the worst thing a girl can be....

I don't know many men that would turn that down.
Nor any true 'sluts'.
Alas, I was just not interested.

Of course, the someone I care about asked me about the situation, in a very roundabout way.
He asked me 'so, the other night, let me ask you...' 
I just said 'please don't'...

I was embarrassed for being such a flirt and embarrassed for the possibility that I let someone think I was that easy, that cheap.

Perception is everything isn't it?
I am who I am...I am not changing at this point.
But, please don't think badly when you have no idea of what the truth is.
Worry more about your boyfriend/husband who is sitting at the bar flirting with girls like me. 

They are more likely to hurt someone....I'm just being me. And this me, is single.
I can't be responsible for them, I have a hard enough time being responsible for me.


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