Saturday, January 26, 2008

You know, sometimes a girl just has to sit and look back in wonder at her life.
What's going on, who she is friends with, who she chooses to spend time with, who chooses to spend time with her.

I have to say, I am pretty lucky in the friend dept. All you ever want is people who love you for the freakarse that you are, and I have that. So, yay for me! That's the best you can hope for.
Then you look at the 'men' or 'boys' (I say boys in the immature man sense, not the illegal sense...just in case you worried about that one)...

Well, I for one am pretty lucky to know and have known some of the most incredible guys. Sweet, adoring, arsepainingly stubborn, passionate, good guys. Some even classify as hot. Damn hot.

I of course, like alot of you, have one or maybe two, that 'got away' or are in the process thereof. or were never yours to begin with.
All I can say is, damn it. dammit dammit dammit.

Why are some of the absolute best guys taken? Well, obviously because their girlfriends/wives know that they are not going to find better. So they have firmly clasped on. Good for them. As well they should. But that leaves a lot of us gals out there, floating in the dating breeze, to contend with the 'I don't know what I want' guys, and the 'I'm not looking for anything' guys and my personal fave...the 'What are you wearing?' guys....

Whenever I meet, or am lucky enough to know well, any of the 'clasp onto' guys, I think 'wow' they do really exist.
Somewhere in the ether, they are out there.
Of course, I know one or two who are single and of course, I wish, oh man...but that is another blog for another time.

Suffice to say, I just want all of you single or unhappily attached girls to look at some of your male friends, or partners of your girlfriends and say 'Ya, you know what, they ARE out there, and I deserve one of those great guys too!'....

yes, I know...and yes, I am saying that to myself as I type this..

We/I deserve nothing less than what I want. Nothing less that what I choose to want.
And I know, out there right now, is someone who wants that too. And most importantly, wants me too.
We just haven't met yet. Or we have, and for some circumstantial reason, it isn't happening....

must run now, I have a date in my dreams...which unfortunately where it is destined to stay...for now


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