Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cut the cord...or cordless

Over at one of my fave blogs to surf, Baggage Reclaim, discussion on the latest posting is fast and furious.
The subject? Cutting contact with the Ex.

Breaking Up and Cutting Contact

Cut. Cut. Cut.

I have been having issues with this very same thing of late, so it is kinda a big slap on the yap.
See, my problem in the past is that I have always cut contact. Cold. Done and Done.
So for the past year or so I thought (doh) that trying to 'be friends like the cool kids do' would be the way to go.
Um...not so much.

Scenario one? Long term relationship, ended horribly. And I mean dramarama. Sure, I got closure, but- yup there's the but-after years with someone it is difficult to cut contact completely. So, I, in my infinite wisdom (gag) have tried to be friendly.
One phone call in the past year is ok isn't it? One email to check in? Not so bad...but not so good.
Especially when the response is less than warm. In fact, no response generally.
Why do I do it? Why????? I guess part of us always wishes for the 'I should have never let you go' crap so that we can say
'Too bad for you buddy boy, should have thought of that before we split'

Scenario two? Nice guy. Short 'relationship' (see, it wasn't a relationship, it was dating). It didn't work out. C'est la vie.
However, I see him all the time. I just want to be friends, but every single thing I do or say has this 'undertone' to it.
Unintentional of course, but afterwards I realize how it could be mistaken. Which of course causes me to try and make up for it, like the neurotic freakarse (that's for you d) that I am.
What's the reaction from him?
Ya, not good. LOL.
Maybe I shouldn't try so hard to be 'cool' cause god knows I am sooooooo far from cool...

So, go and read the post, I have...twice.


p.s. with the impeding schlock fest that is VD approaching with the speed of a locust swarm, watch this space for some bitter jadedness. should be

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