Thursday, January 24, 2008

Further thoughts on Cheatin'

Well there I was, all insomnia ridden late last night and I, of course, use that time valuably. What? to fold laundry/do dishes/read/finish my million half-finished projects? surf, and cull as much tasty tidbits for you, my friends and fans.
See how much I love you???

Now, here is a site I came across with some sage, common sense advice for the modern gal.
Is it some modern pearl's of wisdom, NOPE.
It is based on advice given to us broads over the past century-ish.
And here is the posting I came across, which blew my mind because nothing...I mean NOTHING has changed now has it?
Our attitude of the 'Other Woman' being the loose slut, and the man just being 'A Man' hasn't really evolved.
Men are forgiven, considered weak and ruled by their genitals, whilst we women are supposedly beyond that.

With that in mind, please read this post and remember, the grass isn't always greener.
In fact, it's just really well fertilized.

Thanks Miss Abigail...(she reposted this from an old advice book for Young please check out her site for more)

Miss Abigail's Time Warp Advice... clicky click here or title above
1953: Don't Have an Affair with a Married Man

The most unsatisfactory lover in the world is the man who has a wife. A liaison with him is encumbered with all the customary inconveniences of a love affair, plus the irritation of having a rival who outranks you.

In every aspect of your relationship with him, you feel her influence. The very hours you spend with him are dictated by her tastes and her schedule. If she loves a gay social life, you can be sure her husband will seldom be at your disposal in the evening ~ you must content yourself with odd hours during the day. If she is the athletic type, it is unlikely you will ever get to go sailing, fishing, or golfing with him. Whatever her habits, you must at all times be prepared for the sudden cancellation of a carefully planned rendezvous and equally prepared for an unexpected message that he is free ~ just when it is least convenient for you.

You have no choice but to zig when she zags, and zag when she zigs. And heaven help you if she is a woman who frequently changes her mind!

Of one thing you can be sure ~ your lover will not spend Christmas, New Year's, or Easter Sunday with you. All the important dates on the calendar belong to his wife and children, and you will be forced to celebrate with relatives or female friends ~ a sad prospect for a lively girl. Manless amid the festivities, you will look about indignantly at other women proudly displaying their escorts.

When you do get together, your married beau, with recommendable caution, will rule out all the nice places to which you ask to be taken, and you will pass the time tucked away in some little room or in your own apartment. This has the value of being economical as well as discreet ~ important considerations for a family man. . . .

The most cogent argument against having an affair with someone else's husband, is that

Married men virtually never marry their girl friends.
Men hate divorce. They dislike the nuisance of moving, and besides, they resent paying alimony. If a man can possibly endure his wife, he will stay married to her.

In any event, the fact that a man takes a sweetheart does not indicate that he prefers the sweetheart to his wife. Not at all. Ninety times out of a hundred he would be aghast at the idea of trading his good old wife for some wanton stranger.

Can a girl really be happy with the humble assignment of amusing a man who belongs to someone else?

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