Monday, December 3, 2007

The truth and nothing but...

Ok. So as most of you know, or have at least gathered by now, I don't mince, chop, slice, dice or puree words.
I may say too much, but one thing you never have to worry about with me is the truth.
Ugly as it is, embarrassing as it may be, it is there...plain and simple.

I say what I mean and mean what I say.
I call it 'integrity'...something that seems to be lacking these days, agreed?

So, in the spirit of this I shall confess that yes, I, the fantastic Cheekie have forayed into the world of online dating.
Once or twice. (ok, threeish times, but who's really counting)

It sucks. And I will tell you why:

-The guys are looking to hook up only, even in the so called 'relationship' section (check it out, dollars to donuts they are also in 'intimate' area)

- No one, and I mean NO ONE save a few poor souls, is looking to meet 'the one' there.

- The success stories are few and far between. Oh these sites all parade about their token successful matches like kids with new toys, but the odds are not good, not good at all

- The pics. Ladies, if you have been there, you will agree with me that 90% of all of the pics (women included) look trashy and cheap. Guys, spend a buck or at least get a friend to take a half decent CLOTHED shot of yourself. Or put pics of you at the cottage or some shit. I swear if I see a pic of ONE MORE half naked guy in hybrid briefs I will vomit, profusely

- Guys, STOP ASKING WOMEN TO MEET UP THE FIRST TIME YOU CHAT.... ugh. piss me off, turn me off, and you really really want that girl who says 'sure baby' are gonna catch more than a date I can tell you. Go to the bar, be at least a little respectable about it. You are asking us to play with our SAFETY. geeeez

- Women. STOP being delusional. NO GUY that asks about how 'curvy' you are or 'do you have any *other* pics of yourself- wink wink' is going to turn out to be THE ONE...get a bloody grip

- Finally, STOP GIVING THESE SITES ALL OF YOUR MONEY, TIME AND HOPE! get out there and actually pick someone up, old school like, when you look someone in the face, you must be more accountable-and besides chemistry does NOT happen via internet, I don't CARE if you webcam each other on your fibre optic T3 bs...dumbdumbdumb

Yes, I have gone out on a few dates with some of the guys I have met. All in all they were nice enough.
Nice enough to tell me that they are 'just playing the field' 'just curious' 'not looking for anything'...

Ok, here is where you are going to say ' well maybe you just didn't meet the right one, and maybe he just wasn't into you'...
Well, true true. But I also think that online dating has one very distinct advantage.

No accountability. NONE. You can do, say and be whoever you want. Hell you can even post a fake pic, how's that for integrity.
I know this goes both ways, as some of the guys have told me about women they have met after meeting online only to discover their pic was their sister/cousin/niece/them 10 yrs ago....

So let's cut the bullshit shall we?!
Get off your butt, get outside, get thee down to a bar and just pick up for fuck's sake.
Oh wait, that's right, as many of you claim 'I'm just not into the singles bars or clubs'
Then why the hell are you treating these sites as such? Your own personal catalogue to flip through without any
effort whatsoever.

Enough people, enough.

Sorry, that concludes my rant for today.


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