Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I want a MAN

you remember those don't you?

Someone who will take you, body and soul.
Just take you. Be strong, so strong it makes you weak in the knees.
Cowboy strong. Bad boy strong, but being good boy (it does exist-trust me)

I am not talking about some unbelievably handsome hottie who is prettier than you.

I am talking about a MAN. a real man, in the marlon brando sense.
Dirty, hot, sensitive, flawed...grab you by the hair and take you man.
As in they want you so bad they can't even breathe man.
They look at you like they want to eat you man.
They want to hold you and protect you man.

I know it is terribly non- feminist of me, but I don't care.
I am so sick of being strong, and pretending to be inpenetrable.

I need to be taken care of, and I NEED to take care of someone else.
Isn't that what it's all about?

Equality doesn't mean being the same.
Equality means being appreciated for what we are regardless of what we are.
Man or woman.

I am a woman, no question about that.
I want a MAN.
I need a strong man, who can deal with my emotional whims and just shrug it off.
Who can humour me without insulting me,
A man who can make me want him, yet still be the sweetest, most decent giving person in the world.
Someone who can appeal to my very naughty side and not think any less of me for it.
Cause trust me, that can be a HUGE issue...

I am not a slut, whore or even a huge flirt. But it takes a very special man
to keep up.

I need a man who can be fun, go out (as in OUT OF THE HOUSE)
who enjoys bands, bars, etc etc....cause I do...and I want my man to come with me.

Can you handle me as a friend? first and foremost, am I going to tax you too much?
I need you as my best friend...sorry dude, but ya...

All I can add to this is a quote (which is now my favourite...by the glorious Marilyn Monroe)

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes. I'm out of control and at times I'm hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."

Do you think you can handle that?
The payoff is pretty good, let me tell ya.

I think I have met him...and god sweet damn I miss him...first man to keep up, and to get it, without making me feel insecure at all. miraculous, no? '

But, as with most of my life, it is too complicated and impossible. I really wish it wasn't.
But it is....

Which means I guess that it isn't meant to be...(hard to digest yes, very hard, heartbreaking actually)

So, dammit, where is he????
I am getting impatient here..............

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