Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Name of the Game

Ah yes. L'amour,

Love, the big game.
It is isn't it?

Take for example how the phone, such a simple wee device, becomes the absolute crux/make or break/catalyst in pretty much any relationship.
Men HATE the phone.
Women RELY on the phone.
Men use it for logistics only.
Women use it for status measurement purposes of love, family, friends.

Text, call, anything...if it happens. WOW our day is made, if he doesn't call?
Well, we have all been the girlfriend to make or receive the 'why hasn't he called' sobby phone call...

I personally understand both sides (ya stop laughing, it's true).
Men want to appear 'cool' and 'not desperate' because they are taught that if they act interested, or overly interested-whatever they think that is, the girls will walk all over them - right on to the next guy. Usually the guy who treats them like they don't exist.

Admit it ladies, it's kinda true.
Unfortunate, but true. We complain and overanalyse for days on the when how and if's of those phone calls from men.
If they DO call, and often, especially in the early goings, we kind of lose a bit of interest.
So we start pretending like we 'missed' their call. Wouldn't want to seem desperate or 'too available' now would we?

Doesn't matter if we do really like the guy, or at least are interested in pursuing the opportunity.
We want them to chase us, they don't want to chase too hard.

We place WAY too much importance on it, and men place WAY too LITTLE.

So, um, wtf do we do?
Where is the happy medium?!

In my opinion (of which I have many many many opinions) :


-If you are over 18, and you like someone, don't pretend you don't

-If you, as a man, are so afraid this girl might take advantage of your 'niceness' then what the hell are you doing chasing a girl like that in the first place?

-Ladies, stop playing either too hard to get, or too easy to get-seriously, it's too much bloody effort. You want them? Great! You don't? Great!

- No stalking! Cyber/Phone/Text/Candygrams. If you have gotten NO response after waiting a day or two, and I mean NO response...nada zilch zip, well maybe rethink that crush, it might not be mutual

-Guys, if you are really interested, just show it. Too often men are REALLY hard to read, and your body language is very confusing (due to the not wanting to come off as weak or desperate thing I suppose) but seriously, you can be really really damn riddley

-Stop with the 3 month long text only/chat only/flirt only stuff, go for a bloody drink already! Too many people I know have been chatting with people for months before they even meet! (note: safety is key if we are talking online dating-be smart-meet them there and always tell someone where you are)

- Guys, you aren't Brad Pitt, hell Brad Pitt isn't even Brad Pitt so stop with the god's gift fake attitude, and girls??? They really do want us, but seriously you don't HAVE to sleep with or blow every guy you meet in order to make yourself 'hot' (same goes for your bikini shots on social networking sites-unnecessary) Most men are a lot easier to pick up than that, you really don't have to stick your tits in their face (just knowing you have tits is enough for most of them)

-And the phone...finally yes, the phone. Did you say you would call? Then bloody call. Do you like them? Then call. Do you want to ask them out? Then call. Do you want to know what they had for dinner? Don't call.

Has it really gotten to the point that we are so afraid of appearing to be the normal, vulnerable, insecure freaks that we all are deep down that we are treating the opposite sex as an alien race? I know I do it sometimes. We all do.
But, we really aren't that different. We have very different ways of approaching things. But it is all a means to an end.

To hopefully find one person who thinks our freakiness is adorable, and the one person who doesn't care if you text at 4 am just to vent cause you can't sleep, or loves hearing your voice just calling to say 'hi' be it once a day, once a week or five times an hour. And most importantly, would never ever take advantage of your vulnerability and insecurity to bolster their own lack of self-confidence.

Now, go call someone you like, lust and maybe even love.
That's an order


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