Sunday, December 30, 2007

2007 in review, or "Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish"

Hello my Cheekie friends...

Wow that sounded awfully 'fireside chat' of me. Well, this time of year I have a tendancy to get a little nostalgic and verbose. Moreso than usual.

As some of you know, 2007 was not the best year in Cheekieland. In fact, save a few very very shining bright spots, it sucked large hairy scrotums. Yes, I said scrotums.

So, I find myself sitting here during the last full 24 hours of 2007 wondering what is in store for the next year.
I hate NYE by the way, it is always such an emotional night for me. I gave up going to big, over the top parties years ago as it always ended in disappointment. But still, no matter what, I get very  emotional on the evening of. 

I am sure I am not alone. There are a lot of bad memories for all of us on this night. Most very personal occurrences, but I think we have all had some kind of life-altering thing happen to us on the eve of the new year.

For me (without going into too much detail) it was the evening a few years back that I realized that no matter how much I loved someone, they could still hurt me in an absolutely horrible way. That no matter what they said, it is what they do to you that counts. Actions being louder than words and all that.

It literally was the night that all of my hopes and naivete regarding relationships died.

I haven't even kissed someone at midnight in almost 5 years. 

I was hoping to exorcise these demons this year, but some things beyond my control have held that off again for me.

So, I am left to try to exorcise them myself, drink my own cup of kindness and forget my old acquaintances...

I think the hardest part about the New Year, and especially NYE is hope.
Those of us who have a hard time in general holding on to hope find that there is no 'lightning bolt' of it that comes at midnight. The clock changes, and we don't. Our circumstances don't, our lives don't. 

The only thing that we can wish for is that the people surrounding us help us hope, help us hold on for just one more year. Teach us that love exists, that someone, somewhere is thinking of us at the exact moment we are thinking of them. 

I don't make resolutions. I don't believe in them.
However, if I were to make a New Year's wish it would be for all of us to gain back that tiny grain of hope. A smidge of naivete, a drop of blind faith.

I make that wish for you my friends, and for myself.

Here's to blind faith, lets hope we aren't crossing the street in front of a tram when it comes....


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