Sunday, February 17, 2008

Stock up on HP Sauce ladies...March 14th is approaching

Vday is officially out of the way, not soon enough for this Cheekie chick, however - wait! there's more!!

What about a 'valentine's day' for men? Let's face it as I stated in my post below, Vday is all about us (or we make it all about us).
So what about all our guys out there.
Time to show our love and appreciation, in a way that men clearly understand.

Yep, mark your calendars, put a reminder in your pda's...on March 14th it's time for

Steak and Blowjob Day

So, get thee to your butcher, and get the juiciest cut of beef you can find.
Cook to his liking (side dishes optional, potatoes will do nicely though)
Then after, well, then comes the bj part...
(if the only thing you can chef up normally is toast, then your local steakhouse can help ya here-but you pay the bill sweetie)

Simple no? No guessing what he wants, no looking through catalogues, no candles and wine.
No chocolates, no cards.
Lingerie is a nice touch however, and I am sure he would appreciate that extra bit of effort.
Though it isn't necessary at all.

Talk about a no-pressure holiday!
Gotta love the beautiful simplicity of it all.
And I doubt any guy will cry to his friends the day after about how
his woman only wanted one thing....actually I pretty much guarantee he won't.



Lance said...

I love steak and BJ day. Nothing could be simpler. Yes, hot underwear is definitely a must.

cheekie said...

See ladies? Straight from the horsie's mouth. And in 3 sentences! No rambling, no high expectations, no bullshit.
Gimme a steak, gimme a blowjob, wear something black and lacy (or whatever suits your fancy) and voila!

Oh how I love men, really, so so so easy.
Can you imagine if just for one day we could be so no-bs and straightforward about what we want at any given moment?

Scenario: (you calling your honey, end of work day)
"Hey sweetie, pick up some take out, come home, eat, cuddle, then we can have sex"

Instead: (this is what we really say)
"Hey sweetie, when do you think you will be home? What do you want to eat? ...I dunno, what do you want?...ok, well...I'm tired, and there is a good movie on tv tonight....oh, there's a game on? ok, well alright I guess...but I would really like to go to bed early...ok...ya, I guess so...ok, so when are you coming home?"

thanks Lance! lol....