Monday, December 10, 2007

Rescue me....?

So the other day, I was minding my business on my way to the local grocery store when a big, shiny, red fire truck drove by…

Hmmmm, firemen. Well, that’s what the girlie part of my brain said. The other part said ‘don’t be such a stereotype dumbass’.

So, I wiped the drool off of my chin and went about my merry way.
There I was with my wee basket of goodies at the checkout and I am looking around whilst the pensioner counted her pennies ahead of me, and lo and behold, those very same firemen were in the lane next to me. Dang.

The inner monologue went something like this:

“Shuddup girlie side, look away”
“But but but, ooooh look… cute”
“I said shut your trap you-you little weak chick you!”
“They save kitties and stuff though! You are so mean!”
“I am not mean, you my dear are weak weak wea…oh but that one does have really nice arms….”
“hahaha, see, you ARE a girl!!!”
“am NOT”
“ARE TOO!!! hardass cheekie is a girlllllll”
“hrmmmpffff…childish tart.”

Ya, pathetic, but you get the idea right?
Somewhere in the back of this complex little brain of mine, I still have the notion of being rescued, knight in shining armour (or in this case those really rugged overalls with a blue tshirt).

Come on, admit it, we all do sometimes don’t we?
Male or female, we are all looking for someone, that special someone that rescues us.
Mainly from ourselves, our dumb mistakes, our problems. And makes life all better.

Is there anything wrong with that? Have we become so fiercely independent that we feel it weak to want to rely on someone else to help take care of us?

Isn’t that what the basis of a relationship is? Oh I realize there is a huge difference between ‘rescuing’ and ‘taking care of each other’. It depends on what you are being rescued from, and what you need taking care of I suppose.

I know for myself, I do occasionally need rescuing. I need someone to say “ok, now is that really a smart idea?” or
“get in the cab, come on now, it’s time to go”…lol.

So maybe it is a little old fashioned, a little ‘non feminist’ of me. I will even admit that sometimes I am girlie. (To a point).

Yes, the romantic notion of being swept off your feet and taken care of is tempered with the need for independence, equality and to take care of the other person as well.

So how about this, why don’t we just rescue each other?
Sounds like a plan to me….

Your dual personality friend,


Anonymous said...

"Is there anything wrong with that? Have we become so fiercely independent that we feel it weak to want to rely on someone else to help take care of us?"

Absolutely not! However, I think that we have come to the point of realization, where it is obvious that the direction in which we lean needs to be that of our girlfriends. For, if we lean the other way, the only thing likely to catch us is the hard ground below.


cheekie said...

Oh I completely agree with you!
I guess my point is that maybe, just maybe, we have all gotten to the point where we are looking around at each other and going "huh, other than baby makin', frankly, I don't need you, even then...meh"

So if indeed what we are looking for is companionship, love, a little (lotta) lust, and a long term relationship...maybe something has to give and we have to learn to lean on each other a bit more. Not in a needy way at all, but, people need to be needed, and these days how many of us actually feel needed?

(I have many many concussion stitches from that hard ground below, head trauma explains a lot about me huh?)
