Monday, November 12, 2007

Intense? Me???? naaaaa....

Well maybe a tad.
Do you ever get the feeling that people are just putting up with you?
Barely? lol

I tend to run a little on the intense (although I prefer 'passionate') side.
Ok, maybe a lot.

I spin my wheels, overanalyze and generally get so worked up that I don't know what to do with myself.

But the thing is, all I need to do is vent. Then it goes away.
A hug always works for me too. One good hug and I am usually much calmer.
All I need is an ear, some patience, and the knowledge that I never intend to hurt or burden anyone. It will pass almost as quickly as it started.

Life isn't easy. At all. Yes, being so dramatic does make it more difficult than need be sometimes, but you know what? It is who I am. Always have been and probably always will. I just need to be accepted for that. Otherwise, I am perfectly normal (ish).
Well except for the sex addiction thing, but that I will save for another time...hahaha.

What do I need from my friends? What can they expect in return?
a hug
a smile
an ear
a shoulder
a corny joke

No need to feel that you are 'humouring' me. I am smarter than that.
It is called comfort.
Friends comfort each other. Are there for each other.
Accept each other.

I have never been purposely mean or cruel to anyone.
So if the worst anyone has to put up with from me is the occasional freakout and drama, well sorry, but that's what I am.
I am also many other things, mostly good.

Since I have yet to find 'the one' to put up with my crap, well sorry my dear friends, it is all on you! lol.
I try to spread the love though, bitch and moan to all of you so no one feels too overwhelmed with my crap.

I am not going to apologize for being me.
Just know that what I demand from my friends is also what they can expect from me.
No questions asked.

I love you bunch of freaks


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