Tuesday, September 2, 2008

weak weak weak

well. I have bad news.
I am weak. lol.
ok, maybe human is a better word.

do over? :-)
hey I made the rules, I can remake them can't I??

Hello, My Name is Cheekie, and I am not Invincible.


Anonymous said...

Human sweetie, not weak. Just human. You can have as many do overs as you need.

auntiegwen said...

aawh sweetie, we've all been there, don't beat yourself up about it xxxx

cheekie said...

ya. thanks ladies...worst part is that it wasn't the one I wanted to be weak with...sigh.

love you!

ME said...

Who needs stinking rules anyway. It doesn't make you weak, it makes you human.

Kelly said...

Rules are for the weak dearest ;)
Break em all xxx

Constance said...

Erections can do that to a girl :)

auntiegwen said...


Are you okay ? xx